
A calm mom, me, little Kitty and the entire seventh grade modified basketball team dished out goopy cheese, handed away greasy hot dogs and sold a skidload of candybars and soda to the HS Girls JV and V Basketballl teams last night. It was wild fun, with lots of seventh grade antics (which now include cell phones as part of the amusement), lots of change making and kidding around. Lots of talk around fancy basketball shoes and the layups done by the pros and the street teams we watched during the lull. More basketball today (in scenic Lansing) and we need to get going early. But no selling required for this game.

Snow and cold here. Winter has arrived. I need to get the radiators in my office in front of R as only 1/4 of it heats up...and yesterday it was coats almost...I am good with vests and sweaters and hats and "oliver twist" gloves...but when the whole battery of outside wear comes out, we might have a slight heating problem.

Another Burka on the almost finished pile (yesterday's entry). A young bedouin girl (unmarried) is on the deck now. Scary stuff. Trying to see more into this thing. We will see. Illustrator is behaving.

However, Photoshop is not. Spend the better part of an afternoon watching the candy spin. Erich thinks he has a remedy. We will see.