No snow day

Everyone emerged from their dens groaning this morning as schools were not even delayed here...with roads a bit sloppy and snow a bit deep...with 1 to 3" expected during the day. Will be entering the 3x3 show today...and start two pictures for the Baker Institute's front lobby. Am working with the intrepid Erich to make some tweaks to our illustration site and may link the new site to Little Chimp (which I haven't done). Now that I have an exclusive illos site, there are other free/cheaper sites I may post to to work around the "I" site. Am having lunch with an artist jeweler who does lovely work and is the designer of the medals/medaillions for the Triathlon in July centered around Taughannock State Park (waterfall pix from last week). My hope is that we can work collaboratively--teeshirt illustration with the medals--so we can develop a stronger annual look/brand.

Off to the whiteness>>