A break in the clouds

There was a bit of flurry this morning. I got out and about to the Regional Access to pick up the mini bagels and pesto for the home team. I love that place. Lots of choices...and their little bottega of goodies (today there was Ganache from Sharffen Berger, Chestnuts, big elegant cans of extra virgin olive oil). The whole charm of buying these treats in this off the beaten track place is terrific. I am thrilling to non mainstream shopping with a delight in Green Star, the Amish and of course, the regional. We are so lucky to have these choices. Bruce has gone home after a week of working at the Museum of Glass on a project. We have others coming in this weekend--so we will keep the flow of friends, family and others to keep the spare bed warm and clean. I am off to Rochester tomorrow for a pressrun and am on my hands and knees praying that it will not snow for my journey. Rob is out for the evening...so I will rouse the littles before going off early--to see a sheet early. The pressrun is small (6M pieces). So, I may be able to see a form or two before hopping home in the p.m. Kitty is having a friend or two for the party and party prep...dipping pretzels, decorating the space etc. Should be very holiday. Big concert tonight from 7-9:30 with the entire High School and Middle School bands and choral groups singing. I would like to listen to A. and not go...but I think he is just making noise. More later>