Week One, Day Four: Hartford Art School

Am slugging away on trying to get some motion around my portrait of Curly Joe Howard. I may park it for today and work on Moe. Larry might be toughest...and then come back to Curly Joe. Everyone is either working on portraits or their thesis work. Many people gasping on fumes--once again shocked into change, changing and discovery. This two week boot camp is a shock to our respective systems--and if you want, you can really realize a change, and begin to evolve. Some shrug and fight the direction and only take as much as they can. Others transform.

Murray took us through the marvelous highlights of the thirties in illustration. John Held Jr., and the ever amazing Mr. Leyndecker (note, need to look at him much closer), and the chameleon stylist, La Gotta. How can one resist the trilon and perisphere, Rockefeller Center, woven with women with bows and arrows or women with greyhounds or long necked birds.

Bunny Carter showed us her student's work(San Jose State) which is wonderful, inspired, witty and beautiful. She gave us a little family history...along with announcing that she is now at work on a book on Rockwell Kent. She had just come back from visiting the farm Kent lived on...being allowed to go into his studio which was just as he had left it, with the palettes in place, the blanket on his little nap couch. Imagine! And, think of how wonderful Bunny's book will be--not only the topic (you all know I adore Rockwell) but also in the way Bunny captures our imagination.

Its getting late...time to roll. Maybe a bit of Moe today.