Papercutting from Hans Christian Andersen

Bouquet stand and butterfly with dancers. 21 x 17 cm. Cut on Holsteinborg 1874 for Elisabeth Muller, the daughter of the local rural dean F.A.C. Muller: "Hans Christian Andersen and I were at the same time guests on Holsteinborg. One day as we were going to the dinner table he came and gave me a bouquet. - "By rights some flower paper should have been around it" he said, then from his pocket took a scissors and some paper and cut it while I was looking at it. - The summer 74." Garland with men and swans. 23 x 23 cm. Hans Christian Andersen's Paper Cuts in The Royal Library. The Laage Petersen Collection No. 656 Flower man.
18,5 x 26 cm.
Silhouette, given to the botanist J. M. C. Lange during one of Hans Christian Andersen's visits in 1848 to B. S. Ingemann in Sor, at the time when Lange was temporary senior master at the academy. Notice the allusions to botany: head of sunflower, fingers as leaves...

Silhouette with rising figures:
a dancer and a harlequin.
A figure from the neck has been lost.
7 x 11 cm.
Told by Karen Egede Albrecher:
"This silhouette is cut by Hans Christian Andersen and given to my paternal grandmother Misses Sporon, born Bjerregaard, who met Hans Christian Andersen in the home of Governor of the National Bank, Lindemann."