Colored.Perfect spring day. No coats could happen. I am looking at all the dead leaves and flora debris on the beds and thinking if I get the steam up, it would be great to rake the beds sometime this weekend. Granola making on the horizon along with granola bars. Would be cool if we could take the buying of granola bars out of our loop of things to buy..but make. So, a trip to Green Star is in order.
We lose a houseguest today. Its been fun having him, but he needs to move on, and we need a bit more space. So, we hope he comes back soon as its great fun for all of us and his views on cars, music, movies and the like amuse and amaze us all (including AQC).
We went to the Pourhouse last night to see El Caminos (The Sound of Hector TSOH) and on the way stopped at an informal gathering at the amazingly wonderfully new and improved Rongovian Embassy which has lost none of its charm but a lot of its dirt. There is a new stage, new floor cleaning, paint and new organization. There was the Tom and his wife, the new happy owners with lots of little ones running about. The adorable Rongovian classics were there in force so we had a wonderful time mixing it up with the Otts, Peter and Peggy, Jim and Becky, Walt and Jaimie. Another good thing happening here in the most perfect village in the world, Trumansburg NY.
Must go. The day awaits and I feel a bit like there is not much to say. I have posted a new Bee Goddess colored...and I am intrigued by where the color and approach (with illustrator) is taking me. More later, my friends.