Bunnycrest, Q. Cassetti, 2011, sharpiesjust a little hi and hello. Its half past seven…and I have been in front of the monitor since eight a.m and Alex is anxious for a nice dinner to be put in front of him when he comes home…so I think a little fun with the pressure cooker needs to be pulled out. Rob is at a village meeting and will be home later this evening too.
I just completed two other illustrations on the docket and feel I can nail another small project tomorrow. I AM clocking them down. Hurray!
I do not know where these illustrations are going…the pen isjust moving. I am not in love with these. But, as you know, the longer the pen moves, the brain moves and the work wills itself onward.
I bought some interesting brushes and tones today. Some “Guilloche” which Wikipedia proclaims:
(Guilloche) is a decorative engravingpattern or design is mechanically engraved into an underlying material with fine detail. Specifically, it involves a technique of engine turning, called guilloché in French after the French engineer “Guillot”, who invented a machine “that could scratch fine patterns and designs on metallic surfaces”.[citation needed] The machine improved upon the more time-consuming practice of making similar designs by hand, allowing for greater delicacy, precision, and closeness of the line, as well as greater speed. technique in which a very precise intricate repetitive
Another account gives the credit of inventing this method to Hans Schwanhardt (- 1621) and the spreading of it, to his son-in-law Jacob Heppner (1645).[citation needed]
Yet another account is that it derives from the French word for an engraving tool, not the engine turning machine.[citation needed]
A guilloche is a repetitive architectural pattern used in classical Greece and Rome, and neo-classical architecture as well as medieval Cosmatesque stone inlay work, of two ribbons winding around a series of regular central points. These central points are often blank, but may contain a figure, such as a rose. Guilloche is a back-formation from guilloché, so called because the architectural motif resembles the designs produced by Guilloche techniques.”
Coolness personified. I can pretend I am a hipster and make some art with it.
Big news here. Alex has a brand new, used stand up base which he is plunking away on…and we need to find someone to give him some direction and help in figuring it out. Saturday was a full day in front of the computer with the yearbook being 98% finished (the 2% finished today). Today there were phone calls to the technical folks at the yearbook company and I seem to have much of the same right.
I hear the pressure cooker calling.