Witness Marks, Northampton MA, Q . Cassetti, 2012Gotta make it quick. We are having a dinner at Hazelnut Cafe in a few minutes and I wanted to login to let you know that we are still at it.
We got back late on Friday—so that it was a quick dinner at the local eatery, and then a blissful heads down for the night.
Yesterday was a day of small projects, office catch up, talking and the annual Fire Company/EMT dinner at the American Legion with my husband, the Fire Commissioner. Wow. The Fire Company and EMT in Trumansburg is a truly amazing, awesome, noble and selfless group of individuals who should be recognized more broadly for the tremendous service, the training, the hours upon hours of calls helping others (many of these folks are volunteers). It is such an honor to see them recognize each other from the rookies through an individual who has been with the company for 40 years (and whose grandson was the leader in calls responded to (233). There are husbands and wives, complete families with grandparents all who give in this amazing way to our community. There they were, some proud in their uniforms, some more relaxed—reviewing the past through their chief’s presentation of data, some looking ahead. It was great to see such an amazing mix of folks of many ages involved in this work. I wish there could be a positive way to bring attention to such impressive, giving, civic people. Another group that is the pride of Trumansburg.
Today, it was catching up with some project work. I started and finished a way trashy dystopic book. I baked five dozen meatballs (frozen when they were prepped) made from water buffalo, sausage, ground pork, parm and panko. Now they are packed up in bags of 12 ready for dinners or sandwiches for Mr. Starving, my son. I think I might kill some leftovers tomorrow and make some soup for the troops for the work week ahead. I need to check the thawing of the Wolftree Farms chicken in my sink for more fun this coming week.
Alex is making music and playing the drums in the air….surrounded by fuzzy hot cats, and a conked out black dog at his feet. The cold from our drizzle spurred Rob to make us a nice fire in the stove—so we can look out over the grass (needing a second cut thank you) and enjoy the green and the few plants the deer have left behind.
Need to prod Miss Kitty about the summer. It will be a great one if she plans ahead with me.